Allegiant Credit Solutions

Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Update

August 11, 2021 – As you may be aware many have been seeking student loan forgiveness, and you may be in luck. The White House has put out that federal student loan holders have another 6 months before making payments. The current pause on payments has been in effect since March 2020.   And this… Continue reading Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Update

How Do I Fix My Credit Score

If you’re asking how to fix my credit score or looking for a company that offers legitimate help with credit repair, it’s best first to understand the different types of scoring models.   Have you ever gone to buy a car or get qualified to purchase a home only to be told your score is… Continue reading How Do I Fix My Credit Score

Quick Credit Repair Tips to Avoid Debt Problems

To avoid credit card late payments and ultimately having these reported to the credit bureaus, you need to keep up with your payments each month. Below are some quick tips for credit repair and avoiding debt-related issues.   Doing extensive research in the marketplace before applying for a new credit card can also help. Consider… Continue reading Quick Credit Repair Tips to Avoid Debt Problems

5 Tips for Improving Your Credit Score

Many credit reports have errors or mistakes, and sometimes late payments occur. In the paragraphs, below are five quick tips to improve your credit profile.   1) Get copies of your credit report and profile — then make sure the information is correct.     First, Go to the Annual Credit Report website.  Under federal… Continue reading 5 Tips for Improving Your Credit Score

4 Tips to Fix Your Credit Score

Check out these easy-to-follow, four simple tips to fix your credit score and creating good credit. Did you know that 8 out of 10 credit reports have errors or mistakes on them? Sadly, many of us have late payments and derogatory information being reported as well.    As a consumer, you’ve learned the importance of… Continue reading 4 Tips to Fix Your Credit Score

Basics Of The Credit Score Breakdown

To understand what actually goes into the basics of a credit score breakdown in the US. You need to be aware of the critical role credit rating plays in their lives.    There are several different scoring methods, but most lenders and banks rely on the FICO method that has been in existence since the… Continue reading Basics Of The Credit Score Breakdown

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